Posted by: Nick | June 3, 2009

Skull Alley Turns 1…Throws Two Day Party! (June 20-21)

SKULL ALLEY, one of the best additions to the Louisville music scene in recent memory, is celebrating its 1ST ANNIVERSARY on June 20 AND June 21.  Jamie and Allyson contribute to the strong energy of the venue.   I’ve been there when it was packed and I’ve been there with only a few people, but the talent is always good, the music is clean and the atmosphere is one that focuses on the show itself (something that is very tough to come by now-a-days).  That said, you can still get a cold beer at their bar (often tended by Jamie who then doubles as the sound guy).   Backseat Sandbar has used the venue for a few shows (Casiotone on June 27th!!) and they are great to work with, both as a promoter and a band.  Their anniversary is going to be packed with fantastic….


Friday June 19th
Shipping News
Three Second Kiss
Bear Claw
doors at 7pm

Saturday, June 20th
The Seedy Seeds
Ooh Da Lally
Two Hand Fools
Poetic Jay
doors at 7pm

presale tickets available at
all shows are all ages, beer w/id
Skull Alley is located at 1017 East Broadway, Louisville, Ky 40204, just off the corner of Barret Ave and Broadway.

MORE ON THE BANDS below the break…

From Skull Alley:

SHIPPING NEWS  –  When Shipping News contacted us about setting up a rare local show with us, we were more than honored. On the flipside, when we told them that it was going to be our anniversary show, they were more than honored.

THREE SECOND KISS – Hailing from Bologna, Italy. This band has been rocking since 1993, spreading their work out over 5 Albums, and touring with the likes of Shellac, Shipping News, June Of 44, as well as taking part in All Tomorrow’s Parties 2002, curated by Shellac.

BEAR CLAW: Driving and melodic, Chicago’s Bear Claw creates powerful, noisy, yet melodic songs utilizing its obtuse instrumentation of two bass guitars and drums. This show kicks off their tour with Three Second Kiss, which meets up for a few dates with Shellac!

TINTS: A show at an all ages venue wouldn’t be complete without at least one younger band. Fortunately, Louisville is full of talented, passionate young muscians who keep us reminded why we’re doing Skull Alley. Tints is one of those bands. These kids grew up with Cap’n Jazz, Rites of Spring, Hot Water Music, and Sunny Day Real Estate, and it shows. We can expect great things from this band in the coming year.


THE SEEDY SEEDS – There were two bands that randomly played our place over the past year that we felt like didn’t get the crowd they deserved, but still performed mind-blowingly well and were super sweet people. In planning this anniversary event, we really wanted to book both of them and give them a huge crowd to blow away. Unfortunately Icy Demons from Chicago weren’t available, but we’re really happy that the Seedy Seeds were. They are from Cincinnati and play catchy, upbeat pop songs with banjo, guitar, and backbeats, performed well and with a smile.

OOH DA LALLY: College can be hard on bands, pulling members out of town and forcing them to either break up or play only occasionally. Ooh Da Lally decided to book their second east coast tour instead, taking their brand of acoustic indie/punk songs on the road and putting some miles on their acoustic guitars and accordian and, yes, their saw. Honest, heartfelt, and living proof that our school’s can’t cut music school funding. They should be coming home on top of their game after three weeks on the road.

TWO HAND FOOLS: On Tour with Ooh Da Lally, this band is folky punk/indie rock from Cleveland. Somehow they can be compared to The Pixies, Against Me, and Modest Mouse all at once, only on hyperdrive. And I can’t say that’s a bad thing.

POETIC JAY: It’s still amazing that after a year we’re still discovering new, young musicians that have been lurking in Louisville’s shadows. Poetic Jay is our newest discovery, a super-talented 17 year old hip hop artist. His beats are amazing, and he’s got a great lyrical flow and impressive stage presence.

C+ – Grungey rock. Will be one of their last shows with Hannah before she moves away to San Francisco. Hopefully they’ll continue in her stead, but just in case you should check them out!

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